Model description

An advanced AI model designed for single-image 3D reconstruction. It takes a 2D image as input and generates a 3D model with depth, structure, and detailed features. Ideal for applications in gaming, AR/VR, architecture, and product visualization, TripoSR enables rapid and efficient 3D asset creation from minimal input.

About the creator


Tripo AI

Tripo AI is an AI-powered 3D modeling tool that generates high-quality 3D models from text or images in seconds. Supports multiple formats, auto-rigging, and easy export for games, AR, VR, and design.

Joined February 2025

Terms & Service

By accessing, deploying, or utilizing this model on the Vertical platform, you agree to abide by Vertical’s Terms of Service, the applicable terms governing any third-party technologies incorporated, and the licensing conditions of any open-source components included with the model.