Model description

a creative AI-powered image generation model designed for artists, designers, and content creators. It specializes in vector-based artwork, design prototyping, and adaptive image creation, allowing users to generate high-quality graphics, illustrations, and concept art with ease. Whether for branding, UI/UX, or digital art, Recraft v3 provides precise and scalable image outputs for professional and creative applications.

About the creator



Recraft V3 is a premium AI-powered image generation and editing tool. Store and share styles, create, fine-tune, upscale, and perfect visuals with precision and flexibility.

Joined February 2025

Terms & Service

By accessing, deploying, or utilizing this model on the Vertical platform, you agree to abide by Vertical’s Terms of Service, the applicable terms governing any third-party technologies incorporated, and the licensing conditions of any open-source components included with the model.